Running for Rangers

The Rhino Man 5K was held in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Sunday May 1st to raise money for our Rangers that give their lives every day to protect our Endangered Wildlife like the Rhino and Elephant.

We support and believe in this cause and could not get all the way up to Michigan to take part in the event. Would that stop us though, NO!
So on Saturday April 30th Charlie and I got ourselves ready to run a 5K here at Little Mulberry Park in Gwinnett County GA.
It was just the two of us. We got up early and headed out to the park. We normally run the trails through the woods that include some steep hills, a good workout at best. A few days earlier I had an unexpected fall during a run when I trip over a root under the leaves. Still hurting from that I just wrapped my leg and knee and off we went.
Our Garmins lost signals on and off again which made me think a little about Africa. Technology and gadgets are only so good, no matter where in the world you are.
These men and women from home give their lives on a daily basis to protect our endangered wildlife like our Rhinos and Elephants. We at times put so much emphasis on the animals that we forget about the people that protect them, care for them and save them through veterinary care and procedures.
Here is the write up from Matt Lindenburg, the president and founder of Global Conservation Corps
Thanks for such an incredible event this past Sunday! Along with our 132 runners, beer tent and merchandise sales, we raised well over $2,000 for South Africa’s rangers. Apart from the monetary value we have generated, we are sending a strong message to the Rhino Men and Woman – we are behind them!
If you haven’t seen the official photographs from the event yet, please follow this link! A huge shout-out to Denise Peterson who took these amazing photos. The profit from any purchases off her website will be directly channeled back to GCC.
We will be distributing food parcels to the rangers and their families in the coming months. Expect an update with photos from the families whose lives YOU have impacted!
To stay up to date with GCC news and events, sign up here for our official newsletter.
Thanks once again for changing the lives of these brave rangers. We look forward to seeing you back on the track next year!
If you have not seen the trailer to the documentary Rhino Man, please go to Global Conservation Corps website.
You can also follow Rhino Man on Facebook to keep up with when the documentary will be released, Rhino and Ranger related news and incidences
All photos (c) GCC unless otherwise stated